Selasa, 07 Juni 2011

LOGICO Learning at Home

Learning English with LOGICO

Learning at home

RONDO for children from 3 to 6 years

TRAINER for children from 6 to 10 years

For learning at home the LOGICO titles are in book format with wire-o-binding.

Each title has 32 pages with LOGICO exercises for self-checking on the front side and activities on the reverse side.

LOGICO can be played:

  • at home
  • on a journey
  • in the waiting room
  • on holiday and almost anywhere…

Advantages of LOGICO
(for Indonesian version, click here!)

  • no loose parts - nothing can get lost
  • children can learn at their own rate
  • all titles developed by experienced pedagogues
  • self-correcting exercises and attractive design make it highly motivating

See related information:
The LOGICO Family 
Jenis-Jenis LOGICO 
LOGICO Learning at Home 
LOGICO at School and at Kindergarten 
Self-directed learning with LOGICO 
Apa Kelebihan LOGICO? 
Bagaimana memainkan LOGICO? 
LOGICO A Success Story 

    Learning English with LOGICO

    Senin, 06 Juni 2011

    LOGICO at School and at Kindergarten

    Learning English with LOGICO

    at school and at kindergarten

    Learning with fun

    • LOGICO can be used any time - no preparation time is necessary
    • Working with LOGICO can be interrupted any time - and continued later
    • Immediate self-checking by turning the card
    • Compact learning tool - no loose parts
    • Ideal for differentiated and individualized learning

    Work Sheet
    The LOGICO titles cover all major subjects

    Concentration, perception and logical thinking for kindergarten and pre-school classes

    For primary and secondary schools:

    Reading, Writing, Spelling


    English, French

    General Knowledge

    Geography, History

    Work Sheets

    What teachers say about LOGICO

    • The LOGICO method is great for children because it’s fun.
      It’s great for the teacher because the children cannot cheat.
      This is the crucial point for a material used in free learning activities:
      It needs self-checking. LOGICO meets this demand perfectly.

    • The cards and the LOGICO plastic frame are highly motivating for children.
      LOGICO provides an excellent combination of the cognitive and manual aspects of learning.

    • The tasks of the titles are varied and not at all boring or repetitive. Especially the number of tasks is suitable for the level of the age group.
    • The children of my 2nd grade are enthusiastic about the LOGICO programme and keep asking for new cards.
    • The style and quality of the illustrations are motivating for the children.
    • Assigning the coloured buttons to the answers motivates the children because they must think and act.

    See related information:
    The LOGICO Family
    Jenis-Jenis LOGICO
    LOGICO Learning at Home
    LOGICO at School and at Kindergarten
    Self-directed learning with LOGICO
    Apa Kelebihan LOGICO?
    Bagaimana memainkan LOGICO?
    LOGICO A Success Story
    Daftar Harga LOGICO

    Learning English with LOGICO

    Minggu, 05 Juni 2011

    Self-directed learning with LOGICO

    Learning English with LOGICO

    Self-directed learning with
    (see the Indonesian version, here!)

    1 Slide in

    Slide a LOGICO card or book
    into the LOGICO frame.

    2 Match up

    Move the sliding buttons into
    the right slots to answer the
    puzzle on each page.

    3 Turn and check

    Take the card or book out
    and turn the page...
    Now, when you slide it back
    in your answers are right if
    the colours match.

    See related information:
    The LOGICO Family
    Jenis-Jenis LOGICO
    LOGICO Learning at Home
    LOGICO at School and at Kindergarten
    Self-directed learning with LOGICO
    Apa Kelebihan LOGICO?
    Bagaimana memainkan LOGICO?
    LOGICO A Success Story
    Daftar Isi LOGICO PICCOLO 2: Learn English
    Daftar Harga LOGICO

      Learning English with LOGICO

      Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011

      LOGICO A Success Story

      Learning English with LOGICO 

      A success Story

      1993 LOGICO is published in Germany with first titles for Mathematics and Reading in primary school.

      1994 The international WORLDDIDAC Association grants LOGICO the
      WORLDDIDAC Silver Award.

      The first foreign editions of LOGICO are published in Europe.

      1999 Publication of LOGICO RONDO for learning at home for children from 3 to 6 years.

      2000 LOGICO RONDO is nominated for the award
      GAME OF THE YEAR 2000 in the Netherlands.

      Publication of LOGICO TRAINER for learning at home for children from 7 years and up.

      2001 LOGICO is recommended by the Pedagogical University of Lisbon, Portugal.

      2003 10th anniversary of LOGICO.

      2005 LOGICO is one of the finalists in the Distinguished Achievement Award of the AEP (Association of Educational Publishers), USA.

      LOGICO receives the Teachers’ Choice Award 2006, Learning Magazine.

      2006 LOGICO PRIMO awarded "New product to support the work of kindergarten directors" in the category of "Didactic Games" by the ECWN (European Centre for Kindergarten Directors and Teachers), Poland.

      2007 At the Shanghai Toy Fair, LOGICO receives the "Star Award for Design" which is granted by China Toy Association.

      Today the German LOGICO programme has about 200 titles altogether - and it is still growing.
      During the past years the LOGICO license has been sold to many countries worldwide. LOGICO has been translated into 22 languages and is available in over 30 countries all over the world.

      See related information:
      The LOGICO Family
      Jenis-Jenis LOGICO
      LOGICO Learning at Home
      LOGICO at School and at Kindergarten
      Self-directed learning with LOGICO
      Apa Kelebihan LOGICO?
      Bagaimana memainkan LOGICO?
      LOGICO A Success Story

      Daftar Isi LOGICO PICCOLO 2: Learn English
      Daftar Harga LOGICO

      Jumat, 03 Juni 2011

      Jenis-Jenis LOGICO

      Learning English with LOGICO

      Ada 4 Jenis LOGICO

      1. LOGICO Rondo
      LOGICO Rondo berisi latihan keterampilan untuk anak-anak pra-TK/PADU. Memuat gambar-gambar sederhana dengan kombinasi warna dan situasi atau kondisi yang memungkinkan anak-anak mengidentifikasi aneka macam hal di sekitar lingkungan hidup mereka.

      Tampilan gambar dan permasalahan yang disajikan amat sederhana, membangkitkan motivasi anak untuk tahu lebih banyak, mencoba terus-menerus, dan berjuang untuk mencapai sukses.

      Kemasan yang tersedia:
      LOGICO Rondo 1 (Kreativitas pra-TK/PADU)
      LOGICO Rondo 2 (Kreativitas pra-TK/PADU)

      Terdiri dari papan logico dan 8 buku (1 buku terdiri dari lembaran kertas yang dibendel dengan ring agar tidak tercecer)

      2. LOGICO Primo
      LOGICO Primo paling tepat diberikan kepada anak-anak pra-TK/PADU sampai TK. Memuat gambar-gambar sederhana LOGICO Primo dengan kombinasi warna dan situasi atau kondisi yang memungkinkan anak-anak mengidentifikasi aneka macam hal di sekitar lingkungan hidup mereka.

      Tampilan gambar dan permasalahan yang disajikan amat sederhana, membangkitkan motivasi anak untuk tahu lebih banyak, mencoba terus-menerus, dan berjuang untuk mencapai sukses.

      Kemasan yang tersedia:
      LOGICO Primo 1 (Kreativitas pra-TK/PADU)
      LOGICO Primo 2 (Kreativitas TK)
      LOGICO Primo 3 (Kreativitas TK)
      LOGICO Primo 4 (Kreativitas TK)

      1 set terdiri dari 8 buku, masing-masing berisi 16 lembar soal dan jawaban, dan 1 buah papan LOGICO Primo.

      3. LOGICO Piccolo
      LOGICO Piccolo lebih tepat diberikan kepada anak-anak usia SD Kelas 1 dan 2. Memuat aneka soal matematika, bahasa, pengetahuan umum, dan lain-lain yang disajikan dalam gambar dan angka, mulai dari tingkat sederhana sampai tingkat yang lebih rumit. Target utama paket ini adalah menanamkan kepekaan anak akan konsep-konsep bilangan (number sense), bahasa, dan ilmu pengetahuan lainnya, agar siap mempelajarinya lebih lanjut di kemudian hari.

      Kemasan yang tersedia:
      LOGICO Piccolo 1 (Matematika SD kelas 1)
      LOGICO Piccolo 2 (Bahasa Inggris Beginner)
      LOGICO Piccolo 3 (Matematika SD kelas 2)
      LOGICO Piccolo 4 (Pengetahuan Umum)
      LOGICO Piccolo 5 (Bahasa Inggris Beginner 2)

      1 set terdiri dari 10 buku, masing-masing berisi 16 lembar soal dan jawaban, dan 1 buah papan LOGICO Piccolo.

      4. LOGICO Maximo
      LOGICO Maximo matematika dirancang khusus untuk memperkenalkan konsep bilangan dan logika matematika kepada anak. Paket ini disiapkan dalam 4 program berjenjang bagi anak-anak usia Kelas 3, 4, 5, dan 6 SD.

      Target utamanya memperkenalkan dan melatih anak agar mahir menjumlah, mengurangi, mengalikan, dan membagi bilangan cacah; terampil mengenali bangun ruang dan menghitung dengan rumus; memahami dan menyelesaikan soal cerita dengan bahasa matematika; berpikir logis, kritis, cermat, kreatif; dan menyukai pelajaran matematika.

      Kemasan yang tersedia:
      LOGICO Maximo 1 (Matematika SD kelas 1)
      LOGICO Maximo 2 (Bahasa Inggris Intermediate)
      LOGICO Maximo 3 (Matematika Kelas 4 SD)
      LOGICO Maximo 4 (Matematika Kelas 5 SD)
      Logico Maximo VI (B. Inggris Intermediate 2)

      1 set terdiri dari 8 buku, masing-masing berisi 16 lembar soal dan jawaban, dan 1 buah papan LOGICO Maximo.

      Catatan: Papan Logico bisa dibeli secara terpisah

      Related information:
      The LOGICO Family
      Jenis-Jenis LOGICO
      LOGICO Learning at Home
      LOGICO at School and at Kindergarten
      Self-directed learning with LOGICO
      Apa Kelebihan LOGICO?
      Bagaimana memainkan LOGICO?
      LOGICO A Success Story 

      Learning English with LOGICO

      Kamis, 02 Juni 2011

      Apa Kelebihan LOGICO?

      Learning English with LOGICO

      Apa Kelebihan LOGICO?

      Kelebihan-kelebihan LOGICO antara lain:

      1. Dirancang dengan mempertimbangkan perkembangan psikologi anak.
      2. Cenderung dinikmati sebagai permainan yang mengasyikkan
      3. Menumbuhkan kreativitas dan imajinasi
      4. Mengembangkan kemampuan kognitif dan motorik
      5. Mengasah kemampuan berpikir logis yang mengarah pada pemecahan masalah
      6. Mengembangkan kemampuan mengidentifikasi permasalahan secara visual
      7. Menumbuhkan semangat pantang menyerah dan usaha mandiri
      8. Dalam kelompok, membangun kemampuan berinteraksi dengan orang lain, melalui diskusi dan perdebatan-perdebaan yang menyenangkan
      9. Dalam kelompok, menjadi wahana latihan berkomunikasi
      10. Menggairahkan, karena gambar warna-warni, pilihan topik, dan tigkat kesulitan yang amat bervariasi
      11. Aman dan tidak mudah rusak
      12. Mudah dimainkan

      Other related information:
      The LOGICO Family
      Jenis-Jenis LOGICO
      LOGICO Learning at Home
      LOGICO at School and at Kindergarten
      Self-directed learning with LOGICO
      Apa Kelebihan LOGICO?
      Bagaimana memainkan LOGICO?
      LOGICO A Success Story
      Daftar Isi LOGICO PICCOLO 2: Learn English
      Daftar Harga LOGICO

      Learning English with LOGICO

      Rabu, 01 Juni 2011

      Bagaimana memainkan LOGICO?

      Bagaimana memainkan LOGICO?

      See English version: Self-directed learning with LOGICO

      1. Masukkan lembar soal

      1. Masukkan lembar soal pada celah papan melalui sisi atas
      2. Pastikan seluruh keping warna pada papan terletak di bagian bawah
      3. Perhatikan kesesuaian warna keping dengan warna bulatan pada gambar soal (proses identifikasi) . Warna keping pada papan mewakili soal yang ditandai dengan bulatan berwarna sama
      4. Temukan jawaban (hubungan) yang tepat atas setiap soal dengan pilihan jawaban yang tersedia
      5. Geserlah keping warna yang mewakili soal ke sisi jawaban yang benar
      6. Demikian seterusnya, sampai seluruh keping di bagian bawah bergeser kebagian kanan, dan seluruh soal terjawab
      7. Untuk memeriksa jawaban, cabut kertas soal dari papan, dibalik, dan dimasukkan lagi
      8. Sisi kedua lembar kertas itu memuat jawaban soal, yang ditandai gambar bulatan warna disebelah kanan dalam urutan yang benar
      9. 3. Membalik lembar soal untuk
        mencocokkan jawaban

        2. Menggeser tombol warna
        untuk menjawab soal
      10. Jika urutan keping warna yang telah digeser ke sebelah kanan papan (dari atas ke bawah) persis sama dengan urutan gambar bulatan warna pada kertas lembar jawaban, berarti seluruh soal telah diselesaikan dengan benar.

      See also:
      The LOGICO Family 
      Jenis-Jenis LOGICO 
      LOGICO Learning at Home 
      LOGICO at School and at Kindergarten 
      Self-directed learning with LOGICO 
      Apa Kelebihan LOGICO? 
      Bagaimana memainkan LOGICO? 
      LOGICO A Success Story
      Daftar Isi LOGICO PICCOLO 2: Learn English
      Daftar Harga LOGICO

      Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

      LOGICO PICCOLO 2 - Book 10: Learn English - Early Bird – My home

      Learning English with LOGICO 

      Daftar Isi LOGICO PICCOLO 2 - Book 10: Learn English - Early Bird – My home

        Book 10: Learn English - Early Bird – My home
        LOGICO Piccolo

        1. Our house
        2. Many rooms inside a house
        3. In the bathroom
        4. Early in the morning
        5. In the kitchen – What can yoe see?
        6. In the cupboard – What do you see?
        7. Tom is laying the table
        8. We are all helping Mum
        9. Our living room – What can you see?
        10. Family life in our living room
        11. Activities in the living room
        12. Where is…?Where are…?
        13. Susan want to show you her bedroom
        14. What a mess in Susan’s bedroom
        15. We all love our garden

        LOGICO, Piccolo, Bahasa Inggris, Sistem Belajar Baru, belajar Inggris, Learn English, Alat Peraga Edukatif, Educational games, Alat Permainan Edukatif, belajar mandiri, self-learning, fun learning, multiple intelligence, kecerdasan majemuk, wholistic learning, mengasah kreativitas, daya imajinasi, berpikir luwes, belajar mengambil keputusan, vocabulary, motorik halus, golden age 

        Learning English with LOGICO 

        LOGICO PICCOLO 2 - Book 9: Learn English - Early Bird – Me and my family

        Learn English using LOGICO

        Daftar Isi LOGICO PICCOLO 2 - Book 9: Learn English - Early Bird – Me and my family

        Book 9: Learn English - Early Bird – Me and my family

        1. This is my family
        2. A lot of name
        3. My brother and my sister
        4. My parents
        5. Opposites
        6. Ook at us – see what we are like!
        7. What we like
        8. What we don’t like
        9. What’s the time?
        10. A school day
        11. What Jack and I do every day
        12. Time to help
        13. Who’s who?
        14. Who is where?
        15. Collours do they like the best?
        16. A day with Susan and Jack
        LOGICO, Piccolo, Bahasa Inggris, Sistem Belajar Baru, belajar Inggris, Learn English, Alat Peraga Edukatif, Educational games, Alat Permainan Edukatif, belajar mandiri, self-learning, fun learning, multiple intelligence, kecerdasan majemuk, wholistic learning, mengasah kreativitas, daya imajinasi, berpikir luwes, belajar mengambil keputusan, vocabulary, motorik halus, golden age

        Learn English using LOGICO

        Senin, 30 Mei 2011

        LOGICO PICCOLO 2 - Book 8: Learn English - Early Bird – That’s me

        Learn English using LOGICO

        Daftar Isi LOGICO PICCOLO 2 - Book 8: Learn English - Early Bird – That’s me

        Book 8: Learn English - Early Bird – That’s me

        1. My body
        2. My body
        3. Clothes
        4. More clothes
        5. Always a pair of … How many?
        6. Even more clothes – “ I’ve got…”
        7. Come on Susan and Jack,hurry up!
        8. My fellings
        9. Find the opposites!
        10. Nationalities – Where are you form?
        11. What I can do
        12. My activities
        13. My hobbies
        14. My toys
        15. Hello,that’s me!
        16. Guess my name!

        LOGICO, Piccolo, Bahasa Inggris, Sistem Belajar Baru, belajar Inggris, Learn English, Alat Peraga Edukatif, Educational games, Alat Permainan Edukatif, belajar mandiri, self-learning, fun learning, multiple intelligence, kecerdasan majemuk, wholistic learning, mengasah kreativitas, daya imajinasi, berpikir luwes, belajar mengambil keputusan, vocabulary, motorik halus, golden age

        Learn English using LOGICO

        LOGICO PICCOLO 2 - Book 7: Learn English - Early Bird – All about animals

        Learn English using LOGICO

        Daftar Isi LOGICO PICCOLO 2 - Book 7: Learn English - Early Bird – All about animals

        Book 7: Learn English - Early Bird – All about animals

        1. How many chickens has.mrs.Hen got?
        2. Pets – Do you know all the names?
        3. How many pets do the children have?
        4. On the farm – What can you see?
        5. Where is…?
        6. Where are the animals?
        7. At the zoo – what can you see?
        8. Where is…?
        9. What can you see?
        10. What have you got?
        11. Mice are nice
        12. Riddles
        13. Some more riddles
        14. What they all can do
        15. What do they like to eat?
        16. Funny Mouse likes to dress up

        LOGICO, Piccolo, Bahasa Inggris, Sistem Belajar Baru, belajar Inggris, Learn English, Alat Peraga Edukatif, Educational games, Alat Permainan Edukatif, belajar mandiri, self-learning, fun learning, multiple intelligence, kecerdasan majemuk, wholistic learning, mengasah kreativitas, daya imajinasi, berpikir luwes, belajar mengambil keputusan, vocabulary, motorik halus, golden age

        Learn English using LOGICO

        Minggu, 29 Mei 2011

        LOGICO PICCOLO 2 - Book 6: Learn English - Early World 6

        Learn English using LOGICO

        Daftar Isi LOGICO PICCOLO 2 - Book 6: Learn English - Early World 6

        Book 6: Learning English - Early World 6
        1. Find the matching word!
        2. Find the matching word!
        3. Find the matching word!
        4. Find the matching word!
        5. Find the matching word!
        6. Find the matching word!
        7. Find the matching word!
        8. Find the matching word!
        9. Find the matching word!
        10. Find the matching word!
        11. Find the matching word!
        12. Find the matching word!
        13. Find the matching word!
        14. Find the matching word!
        15. Find the matching word!
        16. Find the matching word!

        LOGICO, Piccolo, Bahasa Inggris, Sistem Belajar Baru, belajar Inggris, Learn English, Alat Peraga Edukatif, Educational games, Alat Permainan Edukatif, belajar mandiri, self-learning, fun learning, multiple intelligence, kecerdasan majemuk, wholistic learning, mengasah kreativitas, daya imajinasi, berpikir luwes, belajar mengambil keputusan, vocabulary, motorik halus, golden age

        Learn English using LOGICO

        LOGICO PICCOLO 2 - Book 5: Learning English - Early World 5

        Learn English using LOGICO

        Daftar Isi LOGICO PICCOLO 2 - Book 5: Learning English - Early World 5

        Book 5: Learning English - Early World 5
        1. Find the matching family members!
        2. Find the matching things in the house!
        3. What are the matching things!
        4. What is the correct word?
        5. Find the matching things in the kitchen!
        6. Find the correct clothing!
        7. What is the matching word?
        8. Find the matching things?
        9. What is the correct word?
        10. Find the matching parts of the body!
        11. Find the matching parts of the body!
        12. What is the matching word?
        13. Find the missing letter!
        14. Find the correct word!
        15. Find the correct musical instrument!
        16. Combine the correct parts of words!

        LOGICO, Piccolo, Bahasa Inggris, Sistem Belajar Baru, belajar Inggris, Learn English, Alat Peraga Edukatif, Educational games, Alat Permainan Edukatif, belajar mandiri, self-learning, fun learning, multiple intelligence, kecerdasan majemuk, wholistic learning, mengasah kreativitas, daya imajinasi, berpikir luwes, belajar mengambil keputusan, vocabulary, motorik halus, golden age

        Learn English using LOGICO

        Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011

        LOGICO PICCOLO 2 - Book 4: Learning English - Early World 4

        Learn English using LOGICO

        Daftar Isi LOGICO PICCOLO 2 - Book 4: Learning English - Early World 4

        Book 4: Learning English - Early World 4
        1. Match the correct verb!
        2. Whats is the correct word?
        3. Match the correct verb!
        4. Find the missing letter!
        5. Match the correct word!
        6. What is the correct verb?
        7. What is the correct verb?
        8. Choose the correct word!
        9. Match the correct verb!
        10. What is the correct word!
        11. Find the missing letter!
        12. Match the correct verb!
        13. What is the correct word?
        14. What letter is missing?
        15. Match the correct word!
        16. What letter missing?

        LOGICO, Piccolo, Bahasa Inggris, Sistem Belajar Baru, belajar Inggris, Learn English, Alat Peraga Edukatif, Educational games, Alat Permainan Edukatif, belajar mandiri, self-learning, fun learning, multiple intelligence, kecerdasan majemuk, wholistic learning, mengasah kreativitas, daya imajinasi, berpikir luwes, belajar mengambil keputusan, vocabulary, motorik halus, golden age

        Learn English using LOGICO

        LOGICO PICCOLO 2 - Book 3: Learn English - Early World 3

        Learn English using LOGICO

        Daftar Isi LOGICO PICCOLO 2 - Book 3: Early World 3

        Book 3: Learn English - Early World 3
        1. Find the matching word!
        2. Find the matching word!
        3. Find the matching word!
        4. Find the matching word!
        5. Find the matching word!
        6. Find the matching word!
        7. Find the matching word!
        8. Find the matching word!
        9. Find the matching word!
        10. Find the matching word!
        11. Find the matching word!
        12. Find the matching word!
        13. Find the matching word!
        14. Find the matching word!
        15. Find the matching word!
        16. Find the matching word!

        LOGICO, Piccolo, Bahasa Inggris, Sistem Belajar Baru, belajar Inggris, Learn English, Alat Peraga Edukatif, Educational games, Alat Permainan Edukatif, belajar mandiri, self-learning, fun learning, multiple intelligence, kecerdasan majemuk, wholistic learning, mengasah kreativitas, daya imajinasi, berpikir luwes, belajar mengambil keputusan, vocabulary, motorik halus, golden age

        Learn English using LOGICO

        Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

        LOGICO PICCOLO 2 - Book 2: Learn English - Early World 2

        Learn English using LOGICO
        Daftar Isi LOGICO PICCOLO 2 - Book 2: Early World 2

        Book 2: Learn English - Early World 2
        1. Find the matching animals
        2. Find the matching animals
        3. Which animals do you like?
        4. Which animals do you like?
        5. What is the missing letter?
        6. Find the matching fish and sea animals!
        7. Find the matching fish and sea animals!
        8. What the correct word?
        9. What the correct word?
        10. What the letter missing?
        11. Find the matching flower!
        12. Find the matching flower!
        13. What is the correct word?
        14. Find the mathing toys!
        15. What kind of building do you like?
        16. What letter is missing?

        LOGICO, Piccolo, Bahasa Inggris, Sistem Belajar Baru, belajar Inggris, Learn English, Alat Peraga Edukatif, Educational games, Alat Permainan Edukatif, belajar mandiri, self-learning, fun learning, multiple intelligence, kecerdasan majemuk, wholistic learning, mengasah kreativitas, daya imajinasi, berpikir luwes, belajar mengambil keputusan, vocabulary, motorik halus, golden age

        Learn English using LOGICO